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Hot Hidden Spy Camera Gift Ideas For Christmas

David Artman |

Well sports fans, Christmas is less than three weeks away. You are in panic mode right now looking for that last minute gift for friends and family! What are you going to do?

In today’s article we’re going to suggest some home hidden spy camera gift ideas for your consideration as presents for friends and family for Christmas. Hidden spy cameras range in price from under $40 to as much as $650 depending on capabilities. But there is one thing for sure, you won’t find any of these products any cheaper anywhere else than right here at our store. As of this writing, we have 327 different SPY CAMERAS in 10 major categories.

If you have any doubt about whether or not you need a hidden camera, you need to read our article entitled ‘Is There A Hidden Spy Camera In Your Future?’

What makes hidden spy cameras so effective is that people don’t suspect that there is a recording device inside a clock radio or wall clock or any other common household product used to disguise a pinhole camera and DVR. Most spy cameras these days have motion activated DVRs inside to record activity. Some models have capabilities which allow you to monitor what the camera sees from your smart phone.

Our very first suggestion is this Mini Spy Cam that is the size of your thumb at 2.25 x 0.75 of an inch. It is completely wireless and uses sound activated recording. It can record up to one hour of video/audio on the included 2 GB SD card which can be upgraded to 8 GB for additional memory. At $44.95 this product represents the best value for your dollar and makes an amazing present which will fit any stocking.

And next on our list of spy gift ideas, especially for parents, is this Teddy Bear Nanny Camera that allows you to monitor a nanny or babysitter discreetly. The lens has a 140 degree field of view. The camera can record in motion activated, continuous or scheduled recording modes. The Xtreme Life® battery will last up to 30 days on a single charge in standby mode and eight hours of continuous recording. It produces an embedded date/time stamp on the video. The camera pinhole is undetectable in plain sight making it the perfect nanny camera.

Then we recommend this colorful neon Wall Clock WiFi Hidden Camera that is a real working wall clock with a hidden IP spy camera inside that allows you to view video remotely on a PC or smart phone after you install some software. It has night vision IRs that allows you to record in almost complete darkness. It can be used in both wireless and wired networks.

And last but not least for real home security is this weatherproof Outdoor Junction Box Camera that contains a pinhole spy camera inside a working outdoor electrical box that can be used for your outdoor electricity needs making it a very discreet spy camera. It has a 62 degree viewing angle which is perfect for covering virtually your entire front yard or driveway. A locking latch keeps contents of the junction box secure, and a remote control enables you to switch between recording modes of continuous, motion activated or still photographs. Since this is a working electrical box, it is highly recommended that it be installed by a licensed electrician.

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