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 15% Off All Home Safety Products I Code: HOME15

Home Security – Two New Models Of Remote Security Cameras For Your Home

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The next time you are driving around a commercial business area look to see how many outdoor security cameras there are. It doesn’t matter whether the business is a freestanding business in its own building or in a strip mall, chances are there are outdoor security cameras at them all. The only reason I bring this up is because business owners know how important security is to not only their business but their customers as well.

So if they work so well for them why wouldn’t outdoor security cameras work well for your home security? The answer is of course that they do work well. As a matter of fact, when burglars case a neighborhood looking for homes to be potential targets if they see security cameras on a home, they scratch them off the list. Burglars are not that smart but they certainly don’t want to get caught. And it’s almost a sure bet that if they do break into a home with a security camera they will get caught sooner or later.

Law enforcement officials will be the first to tell you that if you do have a burglary and the burglar is caught on camera, you have a 50% better chance of getting your goods back and the burglar getting caught. Those are pretty good odds.

Here are two cameras that have remote viewing capability bringing your home security to another level. They can prevent home burglary and home invasion too.

There is a new remote view camera that allows you to record video straight to your PC from as far as 500 feet away. It has 20 infrared LEDs for night vision capability. It comes with a 2.4 GHz receiver and monopole antenna on the camera. It is powered by a 9 V battery and comes with a USB extension cable, power adapter, mounting bracket and software CD.

And another remote view camera is also a Wireless Security Camera has a range of 100 meters and turns your PC into a worldwide Internet surveillance system. This camera can be used for home security, business surveillance, auto surveillance or even as a nanny camera. Once it is hooked up, you can view what the camera sees from anywhere there is Internet connectivity.

Those are two new remote view cameras that can be used in almost any situation. They will allow you to literally keep an eye on anything where the camera is located from a remote location if you can get the Internet which is just about everywhere these days.

Check out the new Remote View Camera with night vision capability.

 The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

2 minute read

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