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Home Security – Three Affordable Security Lights For The Home

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One of the most effective home security products is security lighting. Think about this if you will. There is a reason why every business in the country has lighting in its parking lot and in its storefront. Some even leave lights on inside the business after the business closes. Why is that do you suppose?

The answer is clear. The bad guys don’t like light. It makes it easy for them to hide if there’s no light around.

Here are three cheap home security products to light up your home and improve your home security with security lighting.

The first is a product that gets a lot of national publicity because it is so effective. It can randomly turn up to 20 lights on and off at random. This gives anyone looking from the outside the impression that someone is in the house when they see the lights go on and off. Up to eight different day groupings can be used. It fits into any standard wall outlet but there’s an internal battery backup that keeps the settings in case of a power outage. The random mode keeps the pattern from being predictable. It sells for $14.95.

The second is a set of two lamp sensors. When connected properly these electric eye sensors will turn your lamps on at dusk and off at dawn so that your home will never be dark again. They screw into any light socket and then the light bulb screws into the sensor. This works on the same principle of giving the illusion that someone is at home. The two pack sensors sell for $9.95.

Nothing says home security better than a Motion Activated Spotlight. In this case a powerful flood light has a motion activated DVR and spy camera inside. When the flood light comes on so does a hidden camera, mini microphone and DVR to record what’s going on in the field of view, which is 90 degrees for the camera and 120 degrees for the flood light. The video is recorded to an SD card that has memory overwrite so there’s no chance of losing any current recordings. There’s a date/time stamp for all recordings. The unit can only be mounted on a wall. A complete wall mounting kit comes with the flood light camera.

Lighting is one of the best home security products you can get to improve your home security.

Check out all of our Home Security Lighting products. One of them could be just what you’re looking for.

The Home Security Superstore is one of the oldest and largest independent distributors of high quality home security, surveillance, spy, self-defense, survival and safety products. We carry a wide range of self-defense products including tasers, stun guns, pepper sprays and other nonlethal weapons that can save your life in the event of an attack.

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