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Top Three Hidden Nanny Cams For Your Home

nanny cams for your home

Dave Artman |

You probably already know that hidden cameras or a hidden spy camera with audio recordings are meant to catch people doing things that they shouldn’t be doing. And man oh man there’s plenty of that going around. They are a huge part of any home security strategy.

To do it effectively, the camera has to be well hidden inside a product that people are used to seeing all the time so they don’t become suspicious. If, all of a sudden, you put a grandfather clock in a child’s room, a nanny or babysitter might become wary.

And everyone knows about the teddy bear with a hidden spy camera inside. It was one of the very first nanny cameras ever made and actually it is still one of the biggest selling nanny cameras today which is a testament to how effective it is.

Here are three new hidden cameras that can be used as nanny cameras that no one will ever find. They can also be used for home security purposes too.

So to be effective, a covert camera has to be a common item, so common that no suspicion is aroused and nothing is more common than a baseball cap. This hidden spy camera is battery-operated with the camera located right in the middle of the front of the cap. There’s no need to aim to capture what you want. The camera is undetectable even if the cap is taken off. This hidden spy camera offers the ultimate in portability. If you need to record something on the go or in two different rooms this is the tool for you. Nothing does it better than a baseball cap spy camera.

These next two hidden cameras that can be used as nanny cameras have many of the same qualities. They both record in 1280 x 720 HD resolution at 30 FPS. All the video is stamped with date and time for easy retrieval. There is an option for still pictures or video recording all based on motion activation.

It has a built-in rechargeable battery that lasts up to five days on a single charge in standby mode, and both of these hidden spy cameras can be placed literally anywhere on a wall with mounting tape. They include a 4 GB micro SD card to record all the action.

The first is a non-functioning wall outlet hidden spy camera. Since it is not real you can move it from one room to another without anyone noticing. The second one is a non-functioning Light Switch Camera that also can be moved from room to room. Nothing on the interior of a home is more common than the wall outlets or light switches. That’s what makes these hidden spy cameras so great. No one would ever suspect they are being recorded.

Check out our Outlet Spy Cameras that can be moved around at will wherever you need it.

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