TODAY'S OFFER: 06: 04: 03

Burglars Who Got Alarmed

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Burglar alarms have always proven to be one of the most effective deterrents against home burglary. They can be window or door alarms-the most popular kind-or motion activated alarms. Today we will share with you some stories of how burglar alarms actually worked for homeowners.

Many people prefer motion sensing alarms even though they are generally slightly more expensive than window/door alarms. We have 42 of them to choose from. One of them will be just right for your home.

Our first story comes to us today from the Paradise Valley area north of Phoenix, Arizona where police officers responded to a break-in recently and credit the home’s burglar alarm, at least in part, as a helpful tool in catching the perpetrator. When officers arrived at the scene of a burglary alarm report, they found the house alarmed and locked but the back door was broken. The homeowner stated in a police report that the only known items that were missing were some pieces of jewelry which officers found shortly thereafter on the ground a short distance away. Officers said that using alarms usually reduces the amount of time burglars are inside your house and also the amount of property they have time to steal. They also said an alarm causes burglars to rush which often leads to mistakes including leaving additional evidence behind.

This next story from the Palos Verdes area in California comes word of a burglary spree of five homes. In each case the suspects entered the rear yard and smashed out a rear window. The suspects made entry at the homes with alarms being activated in all of them. Because no suspects were located, it is assumed that the burglar alarms scared the bad guys away. No items were stolen. Law-enforcement is encouraging people to join the neighborhood watch program and is having extra patrol officers in residential areas-both uniformed and plainclothes officers.

Early one morning recently in Palm Bay, Florida a neighbor saw two men wearing masks running from a nearby home. Police are still investigating what appears to be attempted burglary, but according to a spokeswoman for the Palm Bay Police Department, a burglar alarm scared the suspects off. What made the pair even more suspicious is they were wearing hoodies with scarves covering their faces in the warm Florida weather. They were also carrying duffel bags before they got into an unknown vehicle and rode off.

The television host and pop mogul, Simon Cowell, was recently robbed of jewelry and cash worth thousands of pounds. According to this story, the thief found a key to a safe full of money and jewels. Cowell’s bodyguard was awoken after a burglar alarm was activated early one morning when the burglar snuck in. The value of stolen property was in the six figures.

And in Miami Gardens, Florida police are searching for four men who allegedly broke into a home and got away with valuables worth several thousand dollars. The homeowner who did not disclose her name said she got a text alert from her burglar alarm when she was at work that somebody had entered her house. The homeowner’s surveillance cameras captured crisp images of the subjects breaking into the empty house. A new computer, jewelry and some other valuables were taken. When police responded to the home alarm system, they were led by a K-9 unit and had guns drawn but the house was already empty.

Any one of our 28 inexpensive window/door alarms can provide valuable protection for your home.

How many burglar alarms do you have in your house? How effective are they in your opinion? Has one ever been tripped? Chime in with your thoughts!

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