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TODAY'S OFFER: 08:10:37 | Pepper Spray Buy 2 Get 1 Free I Click Here!
TODAY'S OFFER: 08: 10: 37
 Pepper Spray Buy 2 Get 1 Free I Click Here!

The Home Security
& Self-Defense Experts


20,000+ 5-Star Reviews

  • 90-Day Any Reason Refund Guarantee

  • Same Day Shipping

  • Unlimited Live Product Support

We sell all the tools you need to keep your family safe!

Take Your Home Security Up a Notch

Want to really see what is happening around your home? The Home Security Superstore offers motion activated security cameras, wireless security cameras, and CCTV security camera systems, so you don’t have to guess what is happening; you’ll know. A camera system can alert you of anything that happens on your property: from intruders to whole just stole your UPS package. The Home Security Superstore only sells top-quality, affordable home surveillance systems, so you can rest easy knowing your home is being watched over.

Concerned About Your Personal Safety?

Unfortunalely, most women will find themselves in an uncomfortable situation at least once in their life. These situations can range from being followed down the street to being confronted while trying to enter their own vehicle. Women learn from an early age that parking lots, sidewalks, and other public spaces leave them vulnerable to being attacked or assaulted. Whether the assailant is a stranger on the street or an intimate partner, women are undoubtedly at risk. Fortunately, there are self defense weapons available now that cater to women and allow them to take agency of their safety when they find themselves in uncomfortable and dangerous situations, and all of these items can be found at The Home Security Superstore.

The Top Reviewed Self-Defense and Home Security Store

Your Satisfaction Is Our Main Concern.


20,000+ 5-Star Reviews

Ricki Leak

"I purchased one tactical pen and one self-defense pen. The shipping for both items was delivered quickly. Also, the products work great no one would ever know."


Ricki Leak

5 4 3 2 1
Lindsay Breese

“I am extremely satisfied with my products. I believe that safety comes with no $$ amount when it comes to your family, & I am so happy that my wife has a taser to protect herself when she is out.”


Lindsay Breese

5 4 3 2 1

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#The Home Security Superstore